Sunday, September 27, 2009

Adopted for 2009

All of my fosters that have shared my home in 2009 were seen safely into forever homes before the new year rang in. I have not really been able to keep up with the profiles of each kitten on this page because I had a few months with some really seriously ill kittens that it took all of my time and energy just to pull them through their illness and not lose them. Thankfully, they made it and the last one was adopted into his forever home on December 30th. I will be back with a profile of my new foster Hope, once she is closer to being available for adoption. Bye for now.

Jordan, Jack and Midnight - ADOPTED

Jordan and Jack were two feral kittens found at around 8 weeks old.

Jack is black and white with a stub tail. I do not know what happened to his tail, but it is awfully cute. Jack actually managed to stay healthy while he was with me and therefore was easier to socialize than his brother Jordan. Although, I will say that the two of them have been the hardest feral kittens to socialize that I have had so far. This is mostly because they were older than my previous feral kittens and were totally feral, not just partially feral. But, by the time he went to the shelter, Jack was sweet and loving and just loved being brushed and cuddled.

Jordan is a brown tiger kitten. He was much more difficult to socialize than his brother because he came down with an upper respiratory infection and had to have medication twice a day for a couple of weeks. He of course did not like this. No kitten does, but he was already terrified of people and needing to medicate him did not help in trying to gain his trust. For a while, I was afraid that I would need to send him to another foster home after he was well since he was growing to not like me. Thankfully he did turn around and start to be OK with me handling him and would even purr when petted. And he was so handsome, he was quickly adopted.

Midnight was an all black kitten that I took home for a week until the shelter could fit her into the surgery schedule to be spayed. She did not stay with us long, but we still consider her part of our foster family and are happy that she is now in a forever home.